Attract ideal clients and feel amazing about your business again.
First, I’m sure we’ve both been taught the same thing: job title matters.
But, it actually doesn’t.
You can call yourself the CEO, Creative Director, Principle, or Consultant, and it won’t mean anything to your ideal clients.
If you’re looking to attract ideal clients, you first need to know they don’t care what you call yourself.
They only care about what you can do for them.
Is this kind of a gut punch?
If it is, I bet you were conditioned, like I was, to see success in a ladder form. You start as an intern, then assistant, then manager, then director, and later…I don’t know, VP?
That’s the pathway of a traditional employee (although I’ve known a few “Directors” making $50K or less so, again, a title holds little weight).
You aren’t an employee.
You are an entrepreneur.
And that means you are the one your clients expect results from.
So, if you’re searching for ideal clients, you’ve got to be able to communicate WHAT it is you can do for them AHEAD of what it is you ARE.
Does that make sense?
Do you want to get clear on the results you get clients and how to clearly communicate it to them? Click here to set up a complimentary consultation!
If you’re looking to attract ideal clients, keep these other communication and marketing tips in mind:
1. Create offers your clients already know they want. So, if you are a home stager and you know your clients need help cleaning their home as much as staging it, create an offering that includes this service!
Meet your ideal clients where they ARE, not where you think they should be. Then, you’ll be the one they turn to.
2. Be open about your process. The way you approach your clients and how you provide your service IS unique! It’s something that should be included in your marketing because it’s a great way to a) share your value and b) share how you stand apart from everyone else in your industry.
3. Reach out to your ideal clients. Don’t wait for them to come to you! The amount of times I hear “I can’t approach my ideal clients” is mind-boggling. There’s a fear of being “too salesy” or “pushy” or being “pushed away” that stops many entrepreneurs from going after the clients they want. Yes, attracting people to you via your content is fantastic. BUT, it ‘s one piece of the puzzle. You’ve got to go out there and shake hands, too;)
Stay tuned, as I’ll be sharing more on how to approach your ideal clients in my next post!
Is it challenging for you to find and work with ideal clients?
It would mean so much to me if you’d be willing to spend 10 minutes chatting about your challenges. Why? Because then I can create more valuable free content for you and other creative entrepreneurs experiencing the same and create packages that will help on that next level.