Are you blogging to help market your business?
No? Start doing it! I’ll share why you should be blogging in a second.
If you are, are you writing for the people reading it?
For the not blogging peeps, I’ve been up and down with my own business blog for well…a decade. So I get it.
I love writing though. And, to be fair, I blog for other businesses for a living and was also the “spokes blogger” for a popular Canadian mom website for over six years where I detailed life with my kids to an audience of thousands.
So, while I’ve been up and down with my own business blog, I DO know the power of The Blog firsthand in other ways.
Let’s turn this back to you.
Why should you be blogging?
For one, it’s your job to share the value of what you do with your audience so that they can completely get why they need you.
See, as a creative business, not everyone will immediately see what you see – aka the glorious reason they MUST work with you.
I work with a lot of interior decorators (so I’ll use this group as an example). They often tell me that a big challenge is sharing the value of what they bring to a space with the RIGHT audience.
Meaning, they want to work with a particular type of client yet aren’t attracting them.
The big reason why they’re not attracting their dream clients is because they’re not speaking to them; especially through their content.
They’re not taking the time to educate the value of investing in someone to take your house and make it a home you absolutely love!
They’re not communicating the relief of having someone else pull together the right furniture and wall décor and colours for you so you don’t waste your money on things that don’t work.
Or take time out of an already busy schedule to thoughtful transform their interior into an oasis they’ve only dreamt about while watching HGTV on their too-big-for-the-room couch.
The best way to continually communicate the value of what you do (and get your audience excited) is by sharing it! And the best way to share it is by blogging!
Don’t just put up a website and hope to be found.
Give that website life with content and go out and share it!
So, what should you share on your blog?
- Have an opinion.
- Speak to the reader.
- Make it interesting.
Keep these three things in mind!
Too often, I land on a creative business’ blog and it’s BORING.
Take an interior design blog I visited just yesterday.
Every post was a drill down of theirfavourite products. Or theirfavourite colours. Or their favourite spaces in the home that they just designed.
See a trend?
There’s a lot of THEM in their blog.
Yes, you want to share who you are and what you love and appreciate with your audience.
But, you should first open up a conversation with your readers. Share that you CARE about what they want and what they need. And share the VALUE of what you can do for THEM.
Get to know your audience and pick one person you want to talk to. And then, talk to them in your writing.
Make this easy by thinking about the one client you absolutely lovedworking with. Or one person you’d absolutely love towork with!
And think about their unique challenges as it relates to the work you do and the results you create.
Back to interior designers (I’m talking to you!) Maybe you have a client who has small children and didn’t know how to imagine recreating their main bathroom as a space that could be both functional for things like bath toys and toiletries and an oasis for potential houseguests.
Think of how you transformed that space so they now love their bathroom so much they’re hiring you to design their ensuite and powder room!
Tell stories through your blog.
Share transformations and emotions that result from hiring your business.
Share your opinions about how you feel things should be in your industry.
Share how well you relate to your clients because you’ve been where they are now!
There are a lot of topics you can share through your blog that will blow your audience away and get them running to you.
Use your imagination, get excited about who you’re talking to, and know what message you must share.
You should be blogging because you’ve got a lot of great information and inner knowledge to share.
THIS is what gets people to want to learn more about you. NOT a website and a service list.
So, what will you be blogging about next?
Share below!